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John Keats: To J. H. Reynolds, Esq.

This Living Hand, Now Warm and CapableTranslated from RonsardTo J. H. Reynolds, Esq. Dear Reynolds, as last night I lay in bed, There came before my eyes that wonted thread Of shapes, and…

Clauses: Introduction

IntroductionClausesIntroductionSubordinating Conjunctions Link 'Em TogetherAdverb Clauses: Hot ShotsAdjective Clauses: Paint by NumbersNoun Clauses: What's in a Name? Here you'll meet…

Super PACs Explained

The evolution of the new political action committees that have altered the course of political campaigns Related Links How a President is Nominated and Elected Democratic Party…

Walt Whitman: Song of Myself, Part 40

Part 40Flaunt of the sunshine I need not your bask—lie over! You light surfaces only, I force surfaces and depths also.Earth! you seem to look for something at my hands, Say, old top-knot,…

Democratic National Convention Keynote Address

'To Be All That We Can Be'Debt and Defense: 'A Bum Deal'What They Do/What They Say Now, in contrast, the greatest nation of the free world has had a leader for eight straight years that…