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Blake, William

(Encyclopedia) Blake, William, 1757–1827, English poet and artist, b. London. Although he exerted a great influence on English romanticism, Blake defies characterization by school, movement, or even…

Nelson, Horatio Nelson, Viscount

(Encyclopedia) Nelson, Horatio Nelson, Viscount, 1758–1805, British admiral. The most famous of Britain's naval heroes, he is commemorated by the celebrated Nelson Column in Trafalgar Square, London…

Frederick I, Holy Roman emperor and German king

(Encyclopedia) Frederick I or Frederick BarbarossaFrederick Ibärbərôsˈə [key] [Ital.,=red beard], c.1125–90, Holy Roman emperor (1155–90) and German king (1152–90), son of Frederick of Hohenstaufen,…

U.S. Medal-Winning Men's Basketball Teams

1936 (gold medal): Sam Balter, Ralph Bishop, Joe Fortenberry, Tex Gibbons, Francis Johnson, Carl Knowles, Frank Lubin, Art Mollner, Don Piper, Jack Ragland, Carl Shy, Willard Schmidt, Duane…

The Supreme Court: Denying the Right to Die

Denying the Right to DieThe Supreme CourtControlling Our BodiesLimiting Abortion RightsDenying the Right to DieUsing MarijuanaForcing Drug Tests Can a person seek assistance to die from a…

Belarus Department of State Background

U.S. Department of State Background Note Belarus Index: Historical Highlights Government Economy Defense and Military Issues Foreign Relations U.S.-Belarusian Relations HISTORICAL HIGHLIGHTS…

Pakistan Department of State Background

U.S. Department of State Background Note Pakistan Index: People Historical Overview Government and Political Organization National Security Economy Foreign Relations U.S.-Pakistan Relations…