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Brewer's: Passelyon

A young foundling brought up by Morgane la Fée. He was detected in an intrigue with Morgane's daughter, and the adventures of this amorous youth are related ìn the romance called…

United States v. Eichman (1990)

Case SummaryEichman and others were prosecuted under the federal Flag Protection Act for setting fire to American flags. Eichman and the others stated that the Act violated the First…

John Keats: Ode to Psyche

by John Keats Ode on a Grecian UrnFancyOde to Psyche O Goddess! hear these tuneless numbers, wrung By sweet enforcement and remembrance dear, And pardon that thy secrets should…

Brewer's: Brook

(Master). The name assumed by Ford when he visits Sir John Falstaff. The amorous knight tells Master Brook all about his amour with Mrs. Ford, and how he duped her husband by being stowed…

Brewer's: Chivalry

The paladins of Charlemagne were all scattered by the battle of Roncesvallës. The champions of Diderick were all assassinated at the instigation of Chriemhilda, the bride of Ezzel, King of…

Brewer's: Daphne

Daughter of a river-god, loved by Apollo. She fled from the amorous god, and escaped by being changed into a laurel, thenceforth the favourite tree of the sun-god. Nay, lady, sit. If I but…

Brewer's: Love and Lordship

Love and lordship never like fellowship French, “Amour et seigneurie ne veulent point de campaigne; ” German, “Liebe und herrschaft leiden keine gesellschaft, ” Italian, “Amor e seiguoria…

Brewer's: Love-powders

or Potions were drugs to excite lust. Once these love-charms were generally believed in; thus, Brabantio accuses Othello of having bewitched Desdemona with “drugs to waken motion;” and…

Brewer's: Adonis River

A river in Phoenicia, which always runs red at the season of the year when the feast of Adonis is held. The legend ascribes this redness to sympathy with the young hunter; others ascribe…

Brewer's: Anagrams

Dame Eleanor Davies (prophetess in the reign of Charles I) = Never so mad a lady. Gustavus = Augustus. Horatio Nelson = Honor est a Nilo (made by Dr. Burney). Queen Victoria's Jubilee Year…