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Displaying 481 - 490

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: April 20, 1805

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark April 19, 1805April 21, 1805April 20, 1805 Saturday April 20th 1805. The wind continued to blow tolerably hard this morning but by no means as…

How to Play Safely on the Field

There are many benefits associated with sports activities, including getting cardiovascular exercise, building self-esteem and learning the value of teamwork. However, there is one important aspect…

William Shakespeare: Othello, Act II, Scene III

Scene IIIA hall in the castleEnter Othello, Desdemona, Cassio, and AttendantsOthelloGood Michael, look you to the guard to-night: Let's teach ourselves that honourable stop, Not to outsport…

Book Nine

Book Nine   He who acts unjustly acts impiously. For since the universal nature has made rational animals for the sake of one another to help one another according to their deserts, but in…

Naughty Nan

Naughty Nan"Fritz, I've got a new idea," cried Mrs. Bhaer, as she met her husband one day after school. "Well, my dear, what is it?" and he waited willingly to hear the new plan, for some of…

William Shakespeare: Pericles, Act IV, Scene II

Scene IIMytilene. A room in a brothelEnter Pandar, Bawd, and BoultPandarBoult!BoultSir?PandarSearch the market narrowly; Mytilene is full of gallants. We lost too much money this mart by…