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  Myths and statistics about the oceans' most fearsome creature by David Johnson Read more Shark Facts Visit the Shark Hall of Fame Attack Statistics According to the International Shark…

Toffee Trees and Turkish Delight

Food in C. S. Lewis's Chronicles of Narnia compiled by Holly Hartman And really it was a wonderful tea. There was a nice brown egg, lightly boiled, for each of them, and then sardines on toast,…

The Song of Hiawatha: Hiawatha's Childhood

The Four Winds Hiawatha and Mudjekeewis Hiawatha's Childhood Downward through the evening twilight, In the days that are forgotten, In the unremembered ages, From the full moon…

larva, in zoology

(Encyclopedia) larva, independent, immature animal that undergoes a profound change, or metamorphosis, to assume the typical adult form. Larvae occur in almost all of the animal phyla; because most…

2004 Academy Awards

The 2004 Academy Awards were presented Feb. 27, 2005 at the Kodak Theatre.Best PictureThe Aviator Finding NeverlandMillion Dollar Baby Ray SidewaysBest Animated PictureThe Incredibles (Pixar…

Animal Group Terminology

Top of Page Source: Getty ImagesYou might be familiar with some groups of animals and their collective nouns, such as a herd of horses or a gaggle of geese. These are fairly common terms that many…

2 Esdras: 10

2 Esdras Chapter 10 1 And it so came to pass, that when my son was entered into his wedding chamber, he fell down, and died. 2 Then we all overthrew the lights, and all my…