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Brewer's: Ganna

A Celtic prophetess, who succeeded Velleda. She went to Rome, and was received by Domitian with great honours. (Tacitus: Annals, 55.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham…

Brewer's: Hills

Prayers were offered on the tops of high hills, and temples built on “high places,” from the notion that the gods, could better hear prayers on such places, as they were nearer heaven. As…

Brewer's: Forgiveness

(Ang.-Sax., forgifenes.) Forgiveness to the injured doth belong. But they ne'er pardon who have done the wrong. Dryden: Conquest of Granada, part ii. act i. 2. “Proprium humani generis,…

Brewer's: Ale

is the Scandinavian öl, called ealo in our island. Beer, written bere, even in the reign of James I, is the Anglo-Saxon beor, from bere (barley). A beverage made from barley is mentioned…

Brewer's: Ceremony

When the Romans fled before Brennus, one Albinus, who was carrying his wife and children in a cart to a place of safety, overtook at Janiculum the Vestal virgins bending under their load,…

Brewer's: Latin

The language spoken by the people of Latium, in Italy. The Latins are called aborigines of Italy. Alba Longa was head of the Latin League, and, as Rome was a colony of Alba Longa, it is…

Brewer's: Day

When it begins. (1) With sun-set: The Jews in their “sacred year,” and the Church—hence the eve of feast-days; the ancient Britons “non dierum numerum, ut nos, sed noctium computant, ”…

Brewer's: Apple

(Newton and the). Voltaire tells us that Mrs. Conduit, Newton's niece, told him that Newton was at Woolsthorpe, when, seeing an apple fall, he was led into a train of thought which…

Brewer's: Stones

Aerolites, or stones which have fallen from heaven. J. Norman Lockyer says the number of meteors which fall daily to the earth “exceeds 21 millions.” (Nineteenth Century, Nov., 1880, p.…


(Encyclopedia) Anglo-Saxons, name given to the Germanic-speaking peoples who settled in England after the decline of Roman rule there. They were first invited by the Celtic King Vortigern, who needed…