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Brewer's: Dust

Money; so called because it is made of gold-dust. It is said that Dean Swift took for the text of a charity sermon, “He who giveth to the poor, lendeth to the Lord.” Having thrice repeated…

An Introduction to the Hajj

What is the Hajj?  The Hajj (literally "pilgrimage") is an annual pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca in Makkah Province in Saudi Arabia, undertaken by Muslims from around the world. Hajj is…

St. Augustine of Hippo

Name at birth: Aurelius AugustinusAugustine was born in a Roman province in 354 and educated at Carthage. As a young man he became interested in philosophy, with little interest in Christianity until…

The Devil's Dictionary: Piety

by Ambrose Bierce PIEPIGPIETY -n. Reverence for the Supreme Being, based upon His supposed resemblance to man. The pig is taught by sermons and epistles To think the God of Swine has…

Selected Worldwide Religious Sites

—By Kate Pritchard Amritsar, India: Site of the Golden Temple (Sikhism). Axum, Ethiopia: Church of St. Mary of Zion (Ethiopian Orthodox), where the Ark of the Covenant is believed to be kept.…

The Devil's Dictionary: Pie

by Ambrose Bierce PICTUREPIETYPIE -n. An advance agent of the reaper whose name is Indigestion. Cold pie was highly esteemed by the remains. - Rev. Dr. Mucker (in a funeral sermon…

Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus

Opened: 1/97 at the Gershwin TheaterWith: John Gray It might have been preferable to fight with your lover than attend Gray's flinchingly embarrassing stage version of his best-selling guide…

Archbishop Christodoulos Biography

Archbishop of GreeceDied: January 28, 2008 (Athens, Greece) Best Known as: reformist turned conservative Archbishop of Greece Head of the Greek Orthodox…