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Brewer's: Monteith'

A scalloped basin to cool and wash glasses in; a sort of punch-bowl, made of silver or pewter, with a movable rim scalloped at the top; so called from its inventor. New things produce new…

Brewer's: Scales

The Koran says, at the judgment day everyone will be weighed in the scales of the archangel Gabriel. His good deeds will be put in the scale called “Light,” and his evil ones in the scale…

Brewer's: Shells

on churches, tombstones, and used by pilgrims: (1) If dedicated to James the Greater, the scallop-shell is his recognised emblem. (See James.) If not, the allusion is to the vocation of…

Brewer's: Apostles

The badges or symbols of fourteen apostles. Andrew, a cross, because he was crucified on a cross shaped like the letter x. Bartholomew, a knife, because he was flayed with a knife. James…

Walt Whitman: Crossing Brooklyn Ferry, Part 8

Part 8Ah, what can ever be more stately and admirable to me than mast-hemm'd Manhattan? River and sunset and scallop-edg'd waves of flood-tide? The sea-gulls oscillating their bodies, the…

Walt Whitman: Crossing Brooklyn Ferry, Part 3

Part 3It avails not, time nor place—distance avails not, I am with you, you men and women of a generation, or ever so many generations hence, Just as you feel when you look on the river…


Vertebrates and Invertebrates Warm-blooded animals regulate their own body temperatures; their bodies use energy to maintain a constant temperature. Cold-blooded animals depend on their…

Walt Whitman: Crossing Brooklyn Ferry, Part 9

Part 9Flow on, river! flow with the flood-tide, and ebb with the ebb-tide! Frolic on, crested and scallop-edg'd waves! Gorgeous clouds of the sunset! drench with your splendor me, or the…

Brewer's: Cockle Hat

A pilgrim's hat. Warburton says, as the chief places of devotion were beyond sea, or on the coasts, pilgrims used to put cockle-shells upon their hats, to indicate that they were pilgrims…

Brewer's: James

A sovereign; a jacobus. A gold coin circulated in the reign of James I. Worth about 25s. James (St.). Patron saint of Spain. At Padron, near Compostella, they used to show a huge stone…