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Tokyo Rose

(Encyclopedia) Tokyo Rose: see D'Aquino, Iva Toguri.

Mill, John Stuart

(Encyclopedia) Mill, John Stuart, 1806–73, British philosopher and economist. A precocious child, he was educated privately by his father, James Mill. In 1823, abandoning the study of law, he became…

Trevelyan, Sir George Otto

(Encyclopedia) Trevelyan, Sir George Otto, 1838–1928, British historian and politician. He served as a Whig member of the House of Commons from 1865 to 1897. He held posts under W. E. Gladstone as…

Snow-White and Rose-Red

Snow-White and Rose-Red There was once a poor widow who lived in a lonely cottage. In front of the cottage was a garden wherein stood two rose-trees, one of which bore white and the other red…

Judd Rose 2000 Deaths

Judd RoseAge: 45 broadcast journalist who co-anchored CNN's NewsStand from 1998 through 1999. He worked as a reporter and correspondent for ABC for 16 years, contributing to Prime Time Live…

Pete Rose, 2004 News

former professional baseball player, admitted in January that he did in fact bet on baseball games, including those involving his team, the Cincinnati Reds. He denied ever betting against…

Reginald Rose 2002 Deaths

Reginald RoseAge: 81 Emmy Award–winning television writer who penned and coproduced Twelve Angry Men. He also wrote the screenplay for the film adaptation. Died: Norwalk, Conn., April 19,…

Flemming Rose, 2006 News

Danish newspaper editor, helped to stir massive outrage among Muslims all over the world when he commissioned cartoonists to draw the Prophet Muhammad “how they saw him.” Twelve cartoons…

Rose E. Bird Biography

Rose E. BirdAge: 63 liberal California judge who became the first woman chief justice of the state's supreme court. Gov. Jerry Brown appointed her chief justice in 1977, but California voters…