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Lathrop, Rose Hawthorne

(Encyclopedia) Lathrop, Rose Hawthorne, 1851–1926, American nun, philanthropist, and writer; youngest daughter of Nathaniel Hawthorne. In 1871 she married George Parsons Lathrop. In 1891 she and her…

rose of Jericho

(Encyclopedia) rose of Jericho, common name for two plants belonging to different families in the plant kingdom. One, an annual desert plant (Anastatica hierochuntica) of the family Cruciferae (or…

rose of Sharon

(Encyclopedia) rose of Sharon, common name for several plants, especially Hibiscus syriacus, of the family Malvaceae (mallow family), and for St.-John's-wort, i.e., any species of the genus Hypericum…

Benét, William Rose

(Encyclopedia) Benét, William Rose, 1886–1950, American poet and editor, b. Brooklyn, grad. Yale, 1907; brother of Stephen Vincent Benét. He was associated as editor or assistant editor with the…

Poems: My Pretty Rose Tree

by WilliamBlakeThe TigerAh SunflowerMy Pretty Rose Tree A flower was offered to me, Such a flower as May never bore; But I said "I've a pretty rose tree," And I passed the sweet…

Poems by Emily Dickinson: My Rose

by EmilyDickinsonThe Sleeping FlowersThe Oriole's SecretMy Rose My Rose Pigmy seraphs gone astray, Velvet people from Vevay, Belles from some lost summer day, Bees' exclusive coterie. Paris…

William Rose Benét: The Falconer of God

The Falconer of GodWilliam Rose BenétI flung my soul to the air like a falcon flying. I said, "Wait on, wait on, while I ride below! I shall start a heron soon In the marsh beneath…

William Rose Benét: Mad Blake

Mad BlakeWilliam Rose BenétBlake saw a treeful of angels at Peckham Rye, And his hands could lay hold on the tiger's terrible heart. Blake knew how deep is Hell, and Heaven how high, And…

Rose Mary Woods 2005 Deaths

Rose Mary WoodsAge: 87 loyal secretary to President Nixon who took blame for a segment of the erasure of 181/2 minutes of a taped conversation between the president and his chief of staff, H…

Percy Bysshe Shelley: Love's Rose

by Percy Bysshe Shelley To DeathEyes: A FragmentLove's Rose Published (without title) by Hogg, "Life of Shelley", 1858; dated 1810. Included in the Esdaile manuscript book. 1. Hopes,…