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(Encyclopedia) EtamEtamēˈtəm [key], in the Bible. 1 Village, S ancient Palestine. 2 Town of Judah, SW of Bethlehem. 3 Cleft rock, where Samson hid. These may be the same.

Fletcher, John Gould

(Encyclopedia) Fletcher, John Gould, 1886–1950, American poet, b. Little Rock, Ark., educated (1903–7) at Harvard. After traveling throughout Europe, he became a leader of the imagists in England.…

porphyry, igneous rock

(Encyclopedia) porphyryporphyrypôrˈfərē [key], igneous rock composed of large, conspicuous crystals (phenocrysts) and a groundmass in which the phenocrysts are embedded. Some authorities consider the…

Puy-en-Velay, Le

(Encyclopedia) Puy-en-Velay, LePuy-en-Velay, Lelə püēˈ-äN-vəlāˈ [key], city (1990 pop. 23,434), capital of Haute-Loire dept., S central France. Le Puy-en-Velay is the center of an old lace industry,…


(Encyclopedia) Skelligs, rocky islands, off SW Republic of Ireland, in Co. Kerry, comprising Lemon Rock, Little Skellig, and Great Skellig. Climbing the rocks to the peaks of Great Skellig, also…


(Encyclopedia) concretion, mass or nodule of mineral matter, usually oval or nearly spherical in shape, and occurring in sedimentary rock. It is formed by the accumulation of mineral matter in the…

shaft sinking

(Encyclopedia) shaft sinking, excavation from the surface of an opening in the earth. Shafts, which are generally vertical, are usually distinguished from tunnels, which are horizontal. Little…

conglomerate, in geology

(Encyclopedia) conglomerate, in geology, sedimentary rock composed largely of pebbles or other rounded particles whose diameter is larger than 2 mm (.08 in.). Essentially a cemented gravel,…

boulder, in geology

(Encyclopedia) boulder, large rock fragment formed by detachment from its parent consolidated rock by weathering and erosion. In engineering and geology, especially in the United States, the term is…

Joplin, Janis

(Encyclopedia) Joplin, JanisJoplin, Janisjŏpˈlĭn [key], 1943–70, American blues-rock singer, b. Port Arthur, Tex. After dropping out of college (1963) and singing folk rock in Texas clubs, she moved…