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Brewer's: Ring in the Ear

A sign of slavery of life-long servitude. “Then Eldad took an awl, and, piercing his [Jetur's] ears against the doorpost, made him his servant for ever. The elders pronounced a blessing,…

Brewer's: Ring Finger

Priests used to wear their ring on the fore-finger (which represents the Holy Ghost) in token of their spiritual office. (See Wedding Finger.) The ring finger represents the humanity of…

Brewer's: Ring of Invisibility

(The), which belonged to Otnit, King of Lombardy, given to him by the queen-mother when he went to gain in marriage the soldan's daughter. The stone of the ring had the virtue of directing…

Brewer's: Ring Posies

or mottoes. (1) A E I (Greek for “Always”). (2) For ever and for aye. (3) In thee, my choice, I do rejoice, (4) Let lcye increase. (5) May God above Increase our love. (6) Not two but one…

Brewer's: Ringing the Changes

A method of swindling by changing gold and silver in payment of goods. For example: A man goes to a tavern and asks for two-pennyworth of whisky. He lays on the counter half a sovereign,…

Brewer's: Ringing Island

The Church of Rome. It is an island because it is isolated or cut off from the world. It is a ringing island because bells are incessantly ringing: at matin and vespers, at mass and at…

Brewer's: Solomon's Ring

The rabbins say that Solomon wore a ring in which was set a chased stone that told the king everything he desired to know. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer,…

Brewer's: Tammany Ring

A cabal or powerful organisation of unprincipled officials, who enriched themselves by plundering the people. So called from Tammany Hall, the head-quarters of the high officials of the U.…

Brewer's: Fairy Rings

Circles of rank or withered grass, often seen in lawns, meadows, and grass-plots. Said to be produced by the fairies dancing on the spot. In sober truth, these rings are simply an agaric…

Lord of the Rings or IKEA?

J.R.R. Tolkien is known for his elaborate narratives and fantastical languages. But can you identify which of the following is a Tolkien character or Middle Earth location, and which is an item from…