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Brewer's: Namby Pamby Philips

Ambrose Philips (1671-1749). His nickname was bestowed upon him by Harry Carey, the dramatist, for his verses addressed to Lord Carteret's children, and was adopted by Pope. This was not…

Philip Seymour Hoffman Biography

Philip Seymour HoffmanactorBorn: 1968Birthplace: Fairport, N.Y. Versatile character actor known for portraying complex, often dysfunctional characters. He earned his acting chops in theater…

Philip, Roman emperor

(Encyclopedia) Philip or Philip the Arabian (Marcus Julius Philippus), 204?–249, Roman emperor (244–49). He served under Gordian III against the Persians, instigated the assassination of the emperor…

Granvelle, Antoine Perrenot de

(Encyclopedia) Granvelle, Antoine Perrenot deGranvelle, Antoine Perrenot deäNtwänˈ pĕrənōˈ də gräNvĕlˈ [key], 1517–86, statesman in the service of Holy Roman Emperor Charles V and of King Philip II…

Philip V, king of France

(Encyclopedia) Philip V (Philip the Tall), c.1294–1322, king of France (1317–22), son of King Philip IV. He became regent in 1316 on the death of his brother Louis X, who was survived by his pregnant…

foster care

(Encyclopedia) foster care, generally, care of children on a full-time, temporary basis by persons other than their own parents. Also known as boarding-home care, foster care is intended to offer a…

Philip of Swabia

(Encyclopedia) Philip of SwabiaPhilip of Swabiaswāˈbēə [key], 1176?–1208, German king (1198–1208), son of Holy Roman Emperor Frederick I. After the death (1197) of his brother, German King and Holy…

Clement V, pope

(Encyclopedia) Clement V, 1264–1314, pope (1305–14), a Frenchman named Bertrand de Got; successor of Benedict XI. He was made archbishop of Bordeaux by Boniface VIII, who trusted him; surprisingly,…

Philip I, Spanish king of Castile

(Encyclopedia) Philip I (Philip the Handsome), 1478–1506, Spanish king of Castile (1506), archduke of Austria, titular duke of Burgundy, son of Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I and Mary of Burgundy.…

Philip VI, king of France

(Encyclopedia) Philip VI, 1293–1350, king of France (1328–50), son of Charles of Valois and grandson of King Philip III. He succeeded his cousin Charles IV, invoking the Salic law to set aside both…