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Science Project Ideas

See also: Answers to Science Questions Here are some lists of good science projects for all ages: Biology Science ProjectsBotany Science ProjectsChemistry Science ProjectsEarth Science…

Bola Sete

Name at birth: Djalma de AndradeBola Sete ("Seven Ball") was the performing nickname of Brazilian guitarist Djalma de Andrade. Known first as a folk guitarist in his home country, he gained modest…

Vince Guaraldi

Vince Guaraldi described himself as "a reformed boogie-woogie piano player," but he is better known as the composer of cheery jazz music for the Charlie Brown television specials of the 1960s and…

Got Pesticides?

The hidden ingredient in children's diets by Kim Lundgren The 10 Most Important Foods to Buy Organic Baby food Strawberries Grains Milk Corn (corn chips, popcorn) Bananas Green beans Peaches…

Dizzy Gillespie

Name at birth: John Birks GillespieEasily recognized by his puffed-out cheeks and unusual angular trumpet, Dizzie Gillespie was one of the key figures in the birth of "bebop" jazz. Nicknamed "Dizzy…

Harry Stevens Biography

Harry Stevensfood industry executiveBorn: 1855Birthplace: London, England Having emigrated to Ohio in 1882, he quickly established himself in the business of providing food to sports fans and…

The Devil's Dictionary: Responsibility

by Ambrose Bierce RESPONDRESTITUTIONSRESPONSIBILITY -n. A detachable burden easily shifted to the shoulders of God, Fate, Fortune, Luck or one's neighbor. In the days of astrology it was…

Charles M. Schulz Biography

Charles M. SchulzcartoonistBorn: 11/26/1922Birthplace: Minneapolis, Minnesota Cartoonist who created “Peanuts,” the most commercially successful syndicated comic strip of all time. Charlie Brown,…

Fats, Carbohydrates, Protein

Protein helps the body grow, builds muscle and give us energy. Protein-rich foods include meats, eggs, avocado, nuts and beans. Carbohydrates are sugars that the body uses for energy…

Betty Friedan 2006 Deaths

Betty FriedanAge: 85 feminist icon and writer whose 1963 book, The Feminine Mystique, challenged postwar assumptions that women found fulfillment with domesticity. Indeed, she said women were…