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Age of U.S. Public Schools

The Question: On average, how old are the public schools in the United States? The Answer: As of 2010, according to National Center for Education…

Homeschooling in the U.S.

The Question: What percentage of Americans are home-schooled? The Answer: According to the National Center for Education Statistics, as of 2007…

The Consumer Action Handbook

Source: U.S. Office of Consumer Affairs. The Consumer Action Handbook, published by the Federal Consumer Information Center, is over 160 pages of valuable information that no consumer should be…

Do Paralympic athletes use standard prostheses?

The Question: For the Paralympic Games, do the athletes all get like a standard prosthetic? They're starting up soon. I remember a bunch of chatter online about prosthetic legs giving people and…

Panama Department of State Background

U.S. Department of State Background Note Panama Index: People History Government and Political Conditions National Security Economy Foreign Relations U.S.-Panamanian Relations PEOPLE…

How to Register to Vote

Related Links When and Where to Vote Who Can Vote Voter Registration Deadlines and Poll Hours Who Can Vote In…

Fact Monster Mask

Be the Fact Monster for Halloween! by Amanda Kudler   Still looking for the perfect Halloween costume? Follow the steps below and you will be on your way to being the Fact Monster! Step 1…