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A. E. Housman: The Merry Guide

The Merry GuideOnce in the wind of morning I ranged the thymy wold; The world-wide air was azure And all the brooks ran gold.There through the dews beside me Behold a youth that trod, With…

Figures and Legends in American Folklore

Appleseed, Johnny (John Chapman, 1774-1847): Massachusetts-born nurseryman; reputed to have spread seeds and seedlings out of which grew the apple orchards of the Midwest.Billy the Kid (…

Walt Whitman: Come Up from the Fields Father

Come Up from the Fields FatherCome up from the fields father, here's a letter from our Pete, And come to the front door mother, here's a letter from thy dear son.Lo, 'tis autumn, Lo, where…

Harvest Time

Harvest TimeFor a year Jo and her Professor worked and waited, hoped and loved, met occasionally, and wrote such voluminous letters that the rise in the price of paper was accounted for,…

Walt Whitman: Song of the Exposition, Part 8

Part 8And thou America, Thy offspring towering e'er so high, yet higher Thee above all towering, With Victory on thy left, and at thy right hand Law; Thou Union holding all, fusing, absorbing…

Brewer's: Alcinoo poma dare

(to give apples to Alcinous). To carry coals to Newcastle; sending cider to Herefordshire. The orchards of Alcinous, King of Corcyra (Corfu), were famous for their fruits. Source:…

Brewer's: Rosetta

(Africa). The orchards of Rosetta are filled with turtle-doves. Now hangs listening to the doyes In warm Rosetta. T.Moore: Paradise and the Peri. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable…