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New Age

(Encyclopedia) New Age, a term popularized in the 1980s to describe a wide-ranging set of beliefs and practices that are an outgrowth of the counterculture of the 1960s and 70s in the United States.…

Boulder, city, United States

(Encyclopedia) Boulder, city (2020 pop. 330,758), seat of Boulder co., N central Colo.; inc. 1871. A Rocky Mountain resort and a suburb of Denver, it…

Joachim of Fiore

(Encyclopedia) Joachim of FioreJoachim of Fiorejōˈəkĭm [key], c.1132–1202, Italian Cistercian monk. He was abbot of Corazzo, Italy, but withdrew into solitude. He left scriptural commentaries…

Shasta, Mount

(Encyclopedia) Shasta, MountShasta, Mountshăsˈtə [key], volcanic peak, 14,162 ft (4,317 m) high, N Calif., in the Cascade Range. Visited c.1827 by Peter Skene Ogden, a British fur trader and explorer…

Cayce, Edgar

(Encyclopedia) Cayce, EdgarCayce, Edgarkās [key], 1877–1945, American folk healer, b. Hopkinsville, Ky. A popularizer of the idea of reincarnation, he was active as a “psychic diagnostician” between…


(Encyclopedia) parable, the term translates the Hebrew word “mashal”—a term denoting a metaphor, or an enigmatic saying or an analogy. In the Greco-Roman rhetorical tradition, however, “parables”…

Muir, Edwin

(Encyclopedia) Muir, Edwin, 1887–1959, British author, b. Orkney Islands, Scotland. He moved with his family to Glasgow in 1901, where he remained for 18 years. In 1919 he went to London and joined…

alternative medicine

(Encyclopedia) alternative medicine, the treatment and prevention of disease by techniques that are regarded by modern Western medicine as scientifically unproved or unorthodox. The term alternative…

Jung, Carl Gustav

(Encyclopedia) Jung, Carl GustavJung, Carl Gustavkärl g&oobreve;sˈtäf y&oobreve;ng [key], 1875–1961, Swiss psychiatrist, founder of analytical psychology. The son of a country pastor, he…


(Encyclopedia) democracy [Gr.,=rule of the people], term originating in ancient Greece to designate a government where the people share in directing the activities of the state, as distinct from…