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(Encyclopedia) CE5 CE5 Russia, officially the Russian Federation, Rus. Rossiya, republic (2015 est. pop. 143,888,000), 6,591,100 sq mi (17,070,949 sq km). The largest country in the world by…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 UkraineUkrainey&oomacr;ˈkrān, y&oomacr;krānˈ [key], Ukr. Ukraina, republic (2015 est. pop. 44,658,000), 232,046 sq mi (601,000 sq km), E Europe. It borders on Poland in…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 CE5 Canada Canada kănˈədə [key], independent nation (2020 est. pop. 37,742,154), 3,851,787 sq…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 Argentina Argentina ärjəntēˈnə, Span. ärhāntēˈnä [key], officially Argentine Republic, republic (2020 est. pop. 45,380,000), 1,072,157 sq mi (…

Turkey , country, Asia and Europe

(Encyclopedia) CE5 Turkey, Turk. TürkiyeTurkey,türˌkēyĕˈ [key], officially Republic of Turkey, republic (2015 est. pop. 78,271,000), 301,380 sq mi (780,574 sq km), SW Asia and SE Europe. It…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 India, officially Republic of India, republic (2015 est. pop. 1,309,054,000), 1,261,810 sq mi (3,268,090 sq km), S Asia. The second most populous country in the world, it is…

United States

(Encyclopedia) CE5 CE5 CE5 United States, officially United States of America, republic (2015 est. pop. 319,929,000), 3,539,227 sq mi (9,166,598 sq km), North America. The United States is the…