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Asian Moxie

Asian-influenced trends and Asian-American trendsetters by Ricco Villanueva Siasoco Eastern Standard Time is a veritable encyclopedia of Asian-influenced culture. Feng Shui has…

America's Most Endangered Places 2007

Brooklyn's Industrial Waterfront among American sites most at risk by Mark Zurlo Greer Spring, Mark Twain National Forest, Missouri America's Most Endangered Places America's Most Endangered…

The Supreme Court and Equal Rights

  The Constitution describes equal rights only in general terms. The courts, especially the Supreme Court, have had to decide how these consitutional guarantees apply to specific situations. Some…

Cabinet Members of George W. Bush

2001-2009 by Beth Rowen Related Links Inaugural FactfileBiography: George W. BushPresidential Inaugural AddressesPresidential Inaugural Addresses: Length and Date of SpeechHow is a President…

National Film Registry

Each year since 1989, the Library of Congress adds 25 films to the National Film Registry to ensure that each film will be preserved in its original form. The films, which must be at least…

Female Literary Figures

  Aidoo - Corelli | Dickinson - Luce | Mansfield - Rukeyser | Sackville - Yourcenar Anaïs Nin Biographies of Notable Women Actresses Adventurers Artists…


  Idaho State Information Capital: Boise Official Name: State of Idaho Organized as a territory/republic: March 3, 1863 Entered Union (rank): July 3, 1890 (43rd state) Present constitution…

Presidential Medal of Freedom

The Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation's highest civilian award, recognizes exceptional meritorious service. The medal was established by President…

World War II Timeline (1939–1945)

Top of Page Source: iStockThe second world war, which lasted from 1939 to 1945, was the deadliest conflict in world history. The war began in Europe, but soon expanded to involve North Africa, the…