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Financial Aid Glossary

by Kay Peterson, Ph.D., Academic Year The period in which school is in session - typically September through May. Accrual Date The date on which interest charges on an…

Glossary of Financial Terms

Adjusted gross income Amount of income that is subject to federal income tax. In addition to any other tax credits, contributions to IRAs and 401(k) plans are subtracted from the total. Aggressive…

1970 – 1979 World History

Richard Nixon(1913–1994)The Library of Congress Picture CollectionMao Zedong(1893–1976)Agence France Press/Archive PhotosIngmar Bergman (1918–2007)Archive PhotosLyndon B. Johnson(1908–1973)…

Campaign-Finance Reform: History and Timeline

A look at early campaign finance legislation and efforts to regulate fund raising for political campaigns by Beth Rowen Related Links Watergate Overview Presidential Scandals: Nixon and…

The Supreme Court

The Supreme Court: Summaries The following are some important summaries of various Supreme Courts, leaders, decisions, and policies. The Supreme Court: Marshall Court   Marshall Court Overview…

France Department of State Background

U.S. Department of State Background Note France Index: People History Political Conditions Foreign Relations U.S.-French Relations PEOPLESince prehistoric times, France has been a crossroads of…


Delaware State Information Capital: Dover Official Name: Delaware Organized as a territory/republic: 1683 Entered Union (rank): December 7, 1787 (First of the original 13 states) Present…