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(Encyclopedia) metamorphism, in geology, process of change in the structure, texture, or composition of rocks caused by agents of heat, deforming pressure, shearing stress, hot, chemically active…


(Encyclopedia) ilmeniteilmeniteĭlˈmĕnīt [key], black mineral, iron titanium oxide, FeTiO3, crystallizing in the hexagonal system. It is sometimes found as tabular hexagonal crystals but occurs more…

hot spring

(Encyclopedia) hot spring, natural discharge of groundwater having an elevated temperature. Most hot springs result from the emergence of groundwater that has passed through or near recently formed,…


(Encyclopedia) magnetitemagnetitemăgˈnətīt [key], lustrous black, magnetic mineral, Fe3O4. It occurs in crystals of the cubic system, in masses, and as a loose sand. It is one of the important ores…


(Encyclopedia) chalcopyritechalcopyritekălˌkəpīˈrīt, kălˈkōpīˌrīt [key] or copper pyriteschalcopyritepīrīˈtēz, pə– [key], brass-yellow mineral, sometimes with an iridescent tarnish. It is a sulfide…

Hutton, James

(Encyclopedia) Hutton, James, 1726–97, Scottish geologist, chemist, and naturalist. He was initially attracted to chemistry; he entered the legal profession at the Univ. of Edinburgh; turned to…

Annamese Cordillera

(Encyclopedia) Annamese CordilleraAnnamese Cordilleraänˌnämēzˈ kôrˌdĭlyârˈə [key], Fr. Chaîne Annamitique, principal mountain range of mainland Southeast Asia, extending c.700 mi (1,130 km) from N…


(Encyclopedia) apatiteapatiteăpˈətīt [key], mineral, a phosphate of calcium containing chlorine or fluorine, or both, that is transparent to opaque in shades of green, brown, yellow, white, red, and…


(Encyclopedia) rhyolite, fine-grained light-colored acidic volcanic rock. Rhyolite is chemically the equivalent of granite, and is thus composed primarily of quartz and orthoclase feldspar with…


(Encyclopedia) syenitesyenitesīˈənīt [key], coarse-grained igneous rock, similar in appearance and composition to granite. Unlike granite, it contains little or no quartz. The chief minerals in…