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functional group

(Encyclopedia) CE5 functional group, in organic chemistry, group of atoms within a molecule that is responsible for certain properties of the molecule and reactions in which it takes part. Organic…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 Clerestory clerestory or clearstoryclerestoryboth: klĭrˈstōrˌē, –stôrˌē [key], a part of a building whose walls rise higher than the roofs of adjoining parts of the structure.…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 Festoon festoon, sculptured or painted architectural or interior ornament consisting of a garland of leaves, flowers, or fruit, or some combination of these, held by ribbons or…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 Xylophone xylophonexylophonezīˈləfōn [key] [Gr.,=wood sound], musical instrument having graduated wooden slabs that are struck by the player with small, hard mallets. The slabs…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 Accordion accordion, musical instrument consisting of a rectangular bellows expanded and contracted between the hands. Buttons or keys operated by the player open valves,…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 Sinuses of the face sinus, cavity or hollow space in the body, usually filled with air or blood. In humans the paranasal sinuses, mucus-lined cavities in the bones of the face…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 Mastaba mastabamastabamăsˈtəbə [key], in Egyptian architecture, a sepulchral structure built aboveground. The mastabas of the early dynastic period (3200–2680 b.c.), such as…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 labyrinthlabyrinthlăbˈərĭnth [key], intricate building of chambers and passages, often constructed so as to perplex and confuse a person inside. In Egypt, Amenemhet III of the…

Nobel Prize

(Encyclopedia) CE5 CE6 Nobel Prize, award given for outstanding achievement in physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, peace, or literature. The awards were established by the will of Alfred…