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<em>Twilight</em> Movie Review

The film adaptation remains true to Stephanie Meyer's best-selling novel by Catherine McNiff Related Links Twilight TriviaTwilight QuizTwilight PollTwilight HangmanTwilight PageWhat does…

Brewer's: Hunt

Like Hunt's dog, he would neither go to church nor stay at home. One Hunt, a labouring man in Shropshire, kept a mastiff, which, on being shut up while his master went to church, howled…

Brewer's: Carouse

(2 syl.). Mr. Gifford says the Danes called their large drinking cup a rouse, and to rouse is to drink from a rouse; ca-rouse is gar-rouse, to drink all up, or to drink all —i.e. in…

Brewer's: Carpathian Wizard

Proteus (2 syl.), who lived in the island of Carpathos, between Rhodes and Crete. He was a wizard and prophet, who could transform himself into any shape he pleased. He is represented as…