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Gregory, Horace

(Encyclopedia) Gregory, Horace, 1898–1982, American poet and critic, b. Milwaukee, Wis., grad. Univ. of Wisconsin, 1923. His poetry is noted for its dramatic structure and penetrating insights into…

Alaska Highway

(Encyclopedia) Alaska Highway, all-weather road, 1,523 mi (2,451 km) long, extending NW from Dawson Creek, British Columbia, to Fairbanks, Alaska. An extension of an existing Canadian road between…

Halle, city, Germany

(Encyclopedia) Halle, city, Saxony-Anhalt, central Germany, on the Saale River. It is an industrial center and a major transportation hub. Manufactures…

Metastasio, Pietro

(Encyclopedia) Metastasio, PietroMetastasio, Pietropyĕˈtrō mātästäˈzēō [key], 1698–1782, Italian poet and librettist, whose original name was Antonio Bonaventura Trapassi. A prodigy at poetic…

Amadis of Gaul

(Encyclopedia) Amadis of GaulAmadis of Gaulămˈədĭs [key], Fr. Amadis de GauleAmadis of Gaulämädēsˈ də gōl [key], famous prose romance of chivalry, first composed in Spain or Portugal and probably…

figured bass

(Encyclopedia) figured bass, in music, a system of shorthand notation in which figures are written below the notes of the bass part to indicate the chords to be played. Called also thorough bass and…

The Song of Hiawatha: Vocabulary

Vocabulary Adjidau'mo, the red squirrel Ahdeek', the reindeer Ahmeek', the beaver Annemee'kee, the thunder Apuk'wa. a bulrush Baim-wa'wa, the sound of the thunder Bemah'gut, the grape-…

The Song of Hiawatha: The Peace-Pipe

The Four Winds The Peace-Pipe On the Mountains of the Prairie, On the great Red Pipe-stone Quarry, Gitche Manito, the mighty, He the Master of Life, descending, On the red crags of…

The Song of Hiawatha: Hiawatha's Wooing

Hiawatha and the Pearl-Feather Hiawatha's Wedding-Feast Hiawatha's Wooing "As unto the bow the cord is, So unto the man is woman; Though she bends him, she obeys him, Though she…