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Brewer's: Rouse

(A). A contraction of carousal. a drinking bout. (Swedish, rus; Norwegian, ruus, drunkenness; Dutch, roes, a bumper.) Rouse (1 syl.). “The king doth wake to-night, and takes his rouse.”…

Brewer's: Rowned in the Ear

Whispered in the ear. The old word rown, rowned (to whisper, to talk in private). Polonius says to the king in Hamlet - “Let his queen-mother all alone entreat him to show his grief- left…

Brewer's: Pilate Voice

A loud ranting voice. In the old mysteries all tyrants were made to speak in a rough ranting manner. Thus Bottom the Weaver, after a rant “to show his quality,” exclaims, “That's 'Ercles'…

Brewer's: Withers of a Horse

(The) are the muscles which unite the neck and shoulders. The skin of this part of a horse is often galled by the pommel of an illfitting saddle, and…

Brewer's: All in all

He is all in all to me, that is, the dearest object of my affection. God shall be all in all means all creation shall be absorbed or gathered into God. The phrase is also used adverbially…

Brewer's: Bent

Inclination; talent for something. Out of my bent, not in my way, not in the range of my talent. Bent on it, inclined to it. As a thing bent is inclined, so a bent is an inclination or…

Brewer's: Arras

tapestry. So called from Arras, in Artois, famed for its manufacture. When rooms were hung with tapestry it was a common thing for persons to hide behind it, especially the arras curtain…

Brewer's: Biz

in theatrical slang, means “business.” Good biz means full houses; but an actor's “biz” is quite another thing, meaning by-play. Thus, Hamlet trifling with Ophelia's fan, Lord Dundreary's…

Brewer's: Blast

In full blast. In the extreme. In America will be heard such a sentence as this: “When she came to the meeting in her yellow hat and feathers, wasn't she in full blast?” A metaphor from…

Brewer's: Blazon

[Blazonry]. To blazon is to announce with a trumpet, hence the Ghost in Hamlet says, “But this eternal blazon must not be to ears of flesh and blood,” i.e. this babbling about eternal…