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Brewer's: Cum Hoc, Propter Hoc

Because two or more events occur consecutively or simultaneously, one is not necessarily the outcome of the other. Sequence of events is not always the result of cause and effect. The…

Brewer's: Rookery

(3 syl.). Any low neighbourhood frequented by thieves and vagabonds. A person fleeced or liable to be fleeced is a pigeon, but those who prey upon these “gulls” are called rooks. “The…

Brewer's: Shylock

The grasping Jew, who “would kill the thing he hates.” (Shakespeare: Merchant of Venice.) Shylock (A). A grasping moneylender. (See above.) “Respectable people withdrew from the trade…

Brewer's: Iron Maiden of Nuremberg

(The). An instrument of torture for “heretics,” traitors, parricides, etc. It was a box big enough to admit a man, with folding-doors, the whole studded with sharp iron spikes. When the…

Brewer's: Drawback

Something to set against the profits or advantages of a concern. In commerce, it is duty charged on goods paid back again when the goods are exported. “It is only on goods into which…

On the Issues

How Gore and Bush stack up on education, foreign policy, health care, taxes, and social security by Beth Rowen This article was posted in September 2002. With only weeks to go…

The Berlin Conference and the Partition of Africa

Formalizing the Scramble for Africa In 1884, representatives of all the colonial powers of Europe and America met in Berlin to discuss how they would divide Africa between them. The colonization of…

Liberal party, Canadian political party

(Encyclopedia) Liberal party, Canadian political party. Prior to confederation in 1867, reform parties advocating greater local participation in provincial governments, free trade, and increased…

Bhutan Department of State Background

U.S. Department of State Background Note Bhutan Index: People History Government and Political Conditions Economy Foreign Relations Defense U.S.-Bhutan Relations PEOPLEThe people of Bhutan can…

Australia Department of State Background

U.S. Department of State Background Note Australia Index: People History Government Political Conditions Foreign Relations Anzus and Defense U.S.-Australian Relations PEOPLEAustralia's…