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Louisville, University of

(Encyclopedia) Louisville, University of, at Louisville, Ky.; coeducational; founded 1798 as a seminary, became a college and merged in 1837 with the Medical Institute of the City of Louisville (…

Lucerne, Lake of

(Encyclopedia) Lucerne, Lake of, Ger. Vierwaldstätter See, irregular-shaped lake, 44 sq mi (114 sq km), central Switzerland. It has a maximum depth of c.700 ft (210 m). The lake is fed and drained by…

Lucifer of Cagliari

(Encyclopedia) Lucifer of CagliariLucifer of Cagliaril&oomacr;ˈsĭfər, [key]Lucifer of Cagliarikälyäˈrē [key], d. 370, bishop of Cagliari, Sardinia (353–70), violent opponent of Arianism. As…

London, Declaration of

(Encyclopedia) London, Declaration of, international code of maritime law, especially as related to war, proposed in 1909. The declaration grew largely out of the attempt at the second of the Hague…

London, University of

(Encyclopedia) London, University of, at London, England; founded 1836 as an examining and degree-giving body. Teaching functions were not added until 1898. It comprised at first University College (…

Longchamp, William of

(Encyclopedia) Longchamp, William ofLongchamp, William oflôngˈshămp, lôNshäNˈ [key], d. 1197, chancellor and justiciar of England, bishop of Ely. After service with Geoffrey, duke of Brittany, he…

Artemidorus of Ephesus

(Encyclopedia) Artemidorus of EphesusArtemidorus of Ephesusärtĕmˌĭdôrˈəs, ĕfˈəsəs [key], fl. 103 b.c., Greek geographer quoted by Strabo. He wrote 11 books on his Mediterranean travels. Only…