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(Encyclopedia) permafrost, permanently frozen soil, subsoil, or other deposit, characteristic of arctic and some subarctic regions; similar conditions are also found at very high altitudes in…

Asian carp

(Encyclopedia) Asian carp, term for several large, hardy freshwater fish of the family Cyprinidae (the minnow family) that are native to E Asia and have become invasive species in the United States.…


(Encyclopedia) carp, hardy freshwater fish, Cyprinus carpio, the largest member of the minnow family; it is also known as the common carp. A native of Black, Caspian, and Aral sea basins of Eurasia,…


(Encyclopedia) tundratundratŭnˈdrə [key], treeless plains of N North America and N Eurasia, lying principally along the Arctic Circle, on the coasts and islands of the Arctic Ocean, and to the north…


(Encyclopedia) trapping, most broadly, the use of mechanical or deceptive devices to capture, kill, or injure animals. It may be applied to the practice of using birdlime to capture birds, lobster…

Pacific Ocean: Ocean Facts & Animals

Top of Page The Pacific Ocean is a vast and majestic body of water, stretching across more than one-third of the planet's surface. Its crystal-clear blue waters and warm, tropical climate make it a…

Crisis in the Ocean: How Technology Can Help

Top of Page Source: PexelsFew among us think about the ocean but it is the lifeblood of our planet. It provides food, regulates the climate, and is a key part of the global economy. And yet, it is in…

A Warming Ocean

Global warming affects the Earth’s oceans and its wildlife by Liz Olson Related Links Quiz: Global Warming Top Carbon Dioxide Emitters The…