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Brewer's: Noyades

(2 syl.). A means of execution adopted by Carrier at Nantes, in the first French Revolution, and called Carrier's Vertical Deportation. Some 150 persons being stowed in the hold of a…

Brewer's: Walking Gentleman

(A), in theatrical parlance, means one who has little or nothing to say, but is expected to deport himself as a gentleman when before the lights…

Brewer's: Exquisite

(3 syl.). One sought out; a coxcomb, a dandy, one who thinks himself superlatively well dressed, and of most unexceptionable deportment. “Exquisites are out of place in the pulpit; they…

Brewer's: First Gentleman of Europe

A nickname given to George IV., who certainly was first in rank, but it would be sad indeed to think he was ever the most gentlemanly man in feeling, manners, and deportment. Louis d'…

Immigrants in the U.S.

Facts about Population, the Labor Force, and Deportation Related Links Notable U.S. Immigrants Immigration Stats The Green Card Immigration Milestones Immigration…

Brewer's: Air

an element. Anaxagoras held air to be the primary form of matter. Aristotle gives Fire, Air, Earth, and Water as the four elements. Air, a manner, as “the air of the court,” the “air of…

Brewer's: Airs

To give oneself mighty airs: to assume, in manner, appearance, and tone, a superiority to which you have no claim. The same as Air, manner (q.v.). The plural is essential in this case to…

Brewer's: Duke Coombe

William Coombe, author of Dr. Syntax, The Devil upon Two Sticks, etc., who in the days of his prosperity was noted for the splendour of his dress, the profusion of his table, and the…