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Sara Teasedale: Naples

NaplesNisida and Prosida are laughing in the light, Capri is a dewy flower lifting into sight, Posilipo kneels and looks in the burnished sea, Naples crowds her million roofs close as close…

Court Reporter

What is this job like? Official records can be made up of written accounts of spoken words. Texts of spoken words may also be needed for letters, records, and proof in court. Court reporters…

Brewer's: Whitebait Dinner

The ministerial dinner that announces the near close of the parliamentary session. Sir Robert Preston, M.P. for Dover, first invited his friend George…

Brewer's: Hermetically Sealed

Closed securely. Thus we say, “My lips are hermetically sealed,” meaning so as not to utter a word of what has been imparted. The French say close-fitting doors and windows “shut…

The Flap Over Pluto

Sources: NASA and the International Astronomical Union. News Flash (August 24, 2006)—Pluto Demoted! Read About It Here. Misleading reports that Pluto was about to lose its status as a planet…

H1N1 (Swine Flu) Overview

Information about the virus, precautions to take, and educational activities for your children if their schools are closed In April 2009, an outbreak of H1N1 (swine flu) broke…

Sara Teasedale: Dusk in War Time

Dusk in War TimeA half-hour more and you will lean To gather me close in the old sweet way— But oh, to the woman over the sea Who will come at the close of day?A half-hour more and I…

Andersen's Fairy Tales: The Story of a Mother

The Happy FamilyThe False CollarThe Story of a Mother A mother sat there with her little child. She was so downcast, so afraid that it should die! It was so pale, the small eyes had closed…

Andersen's Fairy Tales: The Dream of Little Tuk

The Little Match GirlThe Naughty BoyThe Dream of Little Tuk Ah! yes, that was little Tuk: in reality his name was not Tuk, but that was what he called himself before he could speak plain:…