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Brewer's: Galahad

or Sir Galaad (g hard). Son of Sir Launcelot and Elaine, one of the Knights of the Round Table, so pure in life that he was successful in his search for the Sangrail. Tennyson has a poem…

Brewer's: Milky Way

(The). A great circle of stars entirely surrounding the heavens. They are so crowded together that they appear to the naked eye like a “way” or stream of faint “milky” light. The Galaxy or…


Jovian MoonsThe Magnetosphere of Jupiter Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system—a gaseous world as large as 1,300 Earths. Its equatorial diameter is 88,736 mi (142,800 km), while…

Indianapolis, Ind.

Mayor: Greg Ballard (to Dec. 2015) 2010 census population (rank): 820,445 (12); Male: 396,346 (48.3%); Female: 424,…


Cite Check out milestones in aviation, Amelia Earhart's legacy, famous planes, the Wright brothers, world records and more. Amelia Earhart's Legacy Remembered Aviation Websites…

The Pink

The Pink There was once upon a time a queen to whom God had given no children. Every morning she went into the garden and prayed to God in heaven to bestow on her a son or a daughter. Then an…

The Divine Comedy: Paradiso: Canto XIV

Paradiso: Canto XIIIParadiso: Canto XVParadiso: Canto XIV From centre unto rim, from rim to centre, In a round vase the water moves itself, As from without 'tis struck or from within…

The Song of Hiawatha: Picture-Writing

Blessing the Cornfields Hiawatha's Lamentation Picture-Writing In those days said Hiawatha, "Lo! how all things fade and perish! From the memory of the old men Pass away the great…


(Encyclopedia) cycle, in astronomy, period of time required for the recurrence of some celestial event. The length of a cycle may be measured relative to the sun or to the fixed stars (see sidereal…