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Brewer's: Flower of Chivalry

A name given to several cavaliers: e.g. William Douglas, Lord of Liddesdale, in the fourteenth century. Sir Philip Sidney (1554-1586). Chevalier de Bayard (le chevalier sans peur et sans…

Brewer's: Esmond

(Henry). A chivalrous cavalier in the reign of Queen Anne. The hero of Thackeray's novel entitled Esmond. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894EsotericEsingæ A…

Brewer's: Quinones

(Suero de), in the reign of Juan II., with nine other cavaliers, held the bridge of Orbigo against all comers for thirty-six days, overthrowing in that time seventy-eight knights of Spain…

Brewer's: Squire of Dames

Any cavalier who is devoted to ladies. Spenser, in his Faërie Queene (bk. iii. chap. vii.) introduces the “squire,” and records his adventure. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E.…

Brewer's: Tame Cat

(A). A harmless dangler after a married woman; a cavalier servant; a cicisbeo. “He soon installed himself as a taine cat in the MacMungo mansion.” —Truth (Queer Story), October, 1885.…

Brewer's: Camisard

In French history, the Camisards are the Protestant insurgents of the Cevennes, who resisted the violence of the dragonnades, after the revocation of the edict of Nantes. Their leader was…

Brewer's: Ricardo

in the opera of I Puritani, is Sir Richard Forth, a Puritan, commander of Plymouth fortress. Lord Walton promised to give him his daughter Elvira in marriage, but Elvira had engaged her…

Brewer's: Fortunio

The assumed name of a damsel, youngest of three sisters, who dressed herself as a cavalier to save her aged father, who was summoned to the army. Fortunio on the way engaged seven servants…

Brewer's: Hudibras

Said to be a caricature of Sir Samuel Luke, a patron of Samuel Butler. The Grub'Street Journal (1731) maintains it was Colonel Rolle, of Devonshire, with whom the poet lodged for some time…

Brewer's: Peveril of the Peak

Sir Geoffrey the Cavalier, and Lady Margaret his wife; Julian Peveril, their son, in love with Alice Bridgenorth, daughter of Major Bridgenorth, a Boundhead, and William Peveril, natural…