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Bessie Coleman Biography

Bessie ColemanaviatorBorn: 1892Birthplace: Atlanta, Texas Bessie Coleman picked cotton as a child, but her mother was determined that her thirteen children get an education. Bessie graduated…

Howard Hughes

Howard Hughes is most famous for the last years of his life, when his mind faded and he lived the life of a wealthy, paranoid recluse. But earlier he had been a dashing and innovative businessman and…

Homework Helper Fun Facts: World History

History     World History Events and Timelines Ancient History Some Ancient Civilizations 1-999 (A.D.) World History 1000-2000 World History Year-by-Year 1900-…

Beryl Markham Biography

Beryl MarkhamaviatorBorn: 1902Birthplace: Leicester, England Beryl Markham’s parents moved to Kenya when she was three years old, and she spent most of her life in Africa. Her first love was…

Anne Morrow Lindbergh 2001 Deaths

Anne Morrow LindberghAge: 94 lyric writer and aviator who, with her husband, Charles Lindbergh, traveled all over the globe, setting a number of aviational records. She got her glider pilot’s…

Harriet Quimby Biography

Harriet Quimbyaviator Born: 1875Birthplace: Michigan Harriet’s earliest years were shadowy until the family surfaced in the San Francisco area. Harriet started out as an actress but a talent…

Speed over a Closed Circuit

Speed (mph) Date Plane typePilot Place2,092.294 July 27, 1976 Lockheed SR-71A Maj. Adolphus H. Bledsoe, Jr. (USAF) Beale AFB, Calif.Speed over a Straight CourseAbsolute World RecordsAltitude…

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Antoine-Marie-Roger de Saint-Exupéry was a French aviator and the author of the children's fable The Little Prince (1943). A veteran of France's air service (1921-23), he spent most of his working…

Speed over a Straight Course

Speed (mph) Date Plane typePilot Place2,193.16 July 28, 1976 Lockheed SR-71A Capt. Eldon W. Joersz (USAF) Beale AFB, Calif.Distance, Great Circle Without Landing, also Distance, Closed…