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Brewer's: Animal Spirits

Liveliness and animation arising from physical vigour. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Animals admitted into HeavenAnimal A B C D E F G H I J K L…

Brewer's: Animals, cries of

AnimalCryApesgibberassesbraybeeshumbeetlesdronebearsgrowlbitternsboomblackbirdswhistleblackcapswe speak of the“chick-chick” of the blackcapbullsbellowcanariessing or quavercatsmew, purr,…

Brewer's: Animals (Symbolical)

AnimalAttributesantfrugality and previsionapeuncleannessassstupiditybantam cockpluckiness, priggishnessbatblindnessbearill-temper, uncouthnessbeeindustrybeetleblindnessbullstrength,…

Brewer's: Antipathy, of animals

According to tradition, wolves have a mortal antipathy to scillaroots; geese to the soil of Whitby; snakes to soil of Ireland; cats to dogs; all animals dislike the castoroil plant;…

Profiles of Dangerous Animals

These animals are fascinating, but deadly. by David Johnson   Animals Hippopotamuses, crocodiles, and hyenas Elephants, big cats, and Cape buffaloes Scorpions, bears, and…

Most Dangerous Animals

The Question: I may have heard this wrong, but I thought a guide at the Wild Animal Park in San Diego gave us the names of the three most dangerous animals-…

Guess These Animal Ears

Do you consider yourself an animal aficionado? Can you tell your bunny ears from your bat ears? Put your knowledge to the test with this fun and educational quiz. Identify these ten animal ears and…

National Animals of the World

Each country has a mammal or bird that is the emblem of that nation, so can you correctly identify each of these iconic national animals?

Animal Groups Quiz

Many animals travel in groups, but not all share the same name for their pack. How well do you know the names of these animal groups?