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animal-rights movement

(Encyclopedia) animal-rights movement, diverse individuals and groups concerned with protecting animals from perceived abuse or misuse. Supporters are specifically concerned with the use of animals…

Animal Names: Male, Female, and Young

Top of Page Animal names are crucial distinctions in the English language for the creatures that exist across the planet. Whether it’s the best pet names, the terminology for baby farm animals, or…

mule, in zoology

(Encyclopedia) mule, hybrid offspring of a male donkey (see ass) and a female horse, bred as a work animal. The name is also sometimes applied to the hinny, the offspring of a male horse and female…


(Encyclopedia) reaper, early farm machine drawn by draft animals or tractor and used to harvest grain. Its historical predecessors were the sickle and the cradle scythe, which are still used in some…

Farm Credit Administration

(Encyclopedia) Farm Credit Administration (FCA), an independent agency of the executive branch of the federal government that supervises and regulates the Farm Credit System (FCS) for American…

Brewer's: Age of Animals

An old Celtic rhyme, put into modern English, says: Thrice the age of a dog is that of a horse; Thrice the age of a horse is that of a man; Thrice the age of a man is that of a deer;…

Profiles of Dangerous Animals

These animals are fascinating, but deadly. by David Johnson   Animals Hippopotamuses, crocodiles, and hyenas Elephants, big cats, and Cape buffaloes Scorpions, bears, and…

From buildings to animals

From buildings to animals Slideshows from Tallest Buildings in the World to Moons of our Solar System. Related Links Animal Groups Animal Names: Male, Female, and…

Animals: Pictures and Sounds

Homework Center – Frequently Asked Questions Animals: Animal Pictures & Sounds Field Guides (Click on a type of animal for a list of species) Animal Diversity Web National Zoo…