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Paul Johnson, 2004 News

engineer, was beheaded in Saudi Arabia by members of al-Qaeda. An employee of Lockheed Martin, Johnson worked on Apache helicopters. Kenneth Scroggs, another Lockheed Martin employee, was…

Bill Clinton, 2004 News

former president, launched a national book tour in June with the publication of his much-anticipated memoir, My Life. More than 500,000 copies of the book were sold in its first day of…

Michael Moore, 2004 News

filmmaker, gained an impassioned following with the release of Fahrenheit 9/11, a documentary harshly critical of President Bush, his administration, the war in Iraq, and Bush's handling of…

Ricardo Sanchez, 2004 News

U.S. Army general, served as top commander in Iraq for more than a year, until shortly after the Abu Ghraib prison-abuse scandal broke in April. Although Pentagon officials said the decision…

Ron Reagan, 2004 News

son of former president Ronald Reagan, angered many Republicans by speaking out against the Bush administration's stem-cell research policy. He spoke at the Democratic National Convention in…

Joseph Wilson, 2004 News

Joseph Wilson, former ambassador, was partially discredited in July with the release of the Senate Intelligence Committee report. Wilson visited Niger in February 2002 to investigate a claim…

Barack Obama, 2004 News

state senator from Illinois, delivered a rousing keynote speech at July's Democratic National Convention. “There's not a black America and white America and Latino America and Asian America…

Luis Echeverría, 2004 News

former president of Mexico, in July was charged with genocide in the 1971 massacre of 25 student protesters. The special prosecutor said Echeverría allowed a military-trained hit squad to…

Sandy Berger, 2004 News

former national security adviser to President Clinton, stepped down as a senior adviser to Sen. John Kerry in July, after it was leaked that the Justice Department is investigating him for…

Jack Idema, 2004 News

vigilante, was convicted in September of entering Afghanistan illegally, operating an illegal jail, and taking hostages and torturing them. He was sentenced to 10 years in jail. Idema, a…