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Carly Patterson, 2004 News

gymnast, won the hearts of Americans and the gold medal in the all-around competition at the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens. She's the second American woman to do so. She also took home…

Vladimir Putin, 2004 News

president of Russia, called for a broad overhaul of the government in September, after a series of terrorist attacks killed nearly 500 people, including 340 at a middle school in Beslan, in…

Dan Rather, 2004 News

journalist, found himself at the center of a media storm in September, when he and his network, CBS, admitted that they could not definitively prove the authenticity of documents they used…

Tom DeLay, 2004 News

House majority leader, was rebuked three times in the course two weeks by the House Ethics Committee. He was criticized for pressuring another representative to vote in favor of the Medicare…

Scott Peterson, 2004 News

California salesman, was convicted in November of first-degree murder in the death of his wife, Laci, and of second-degree murder in the death of their unborn son. The jury sentenced him to…

Colin Powell, 2004 News

U.S. secretary of state, announced his resignation in November. President Bush nominated National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice as his successor. He spent his last months in office…

Viktor Yushchenko, 2004 News

Ukranian reformist politician, was elected president on December 26, after weeks of turmoil that thrust the country into chaos. In the Nov. 21 runoff election, Prime Minister Yanukovich was…

Wesley Clark, 2004 News

retired four-star general, competed as an underdog candidate in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination, campaigning on his military background and his pragmatic approach to…

Howard Dean, 2004 News

former governor of Vermont, enjoyed frontrunner status in the crowded field of Democratic presidential hopefuls before the first primary. His star dimmed early, however, when he placed third…

David Kay, 2004 News

former chief weapons inspector, stepped down in January, after his Iraqi Survey Group, a 1,400-member team whose mission was to uncover Iraq's weapons of mass destruction, failed to find any…