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Antonin Scalia, 2004 News

Supreme Court justice, refused in March to recuse himself from a case involving Vice President Dick Cheney, a close friend with whom he went duck hunting just weeks after the court agreed to…

Condoleezza Rice, 2004 News

national security adviser, testified before the commission investigating the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in April. During the often contentious questioning, she said that although the…

Bob Edwards, 2004 News

beloved radio show anchor, was reassigned from host of National Public Radio's “Morning Edition” to senior correspondent. Edwards hosted the popular early-morning show since its inception,…

Todd Bertuzzi, 2004 News

forward for the Vancouver Canucks, attacked Colorado Avalanche player Steve Moore during a National Hockey league game in March, breaking his neck. Bertuzzi punched Moore in the head from…

Richard Foster, 2004 News

chief Medicare actuary, testified before members of the House Ways and Means Committee in March, telling them that he had informed the Bush administration in June 2003 that the Medicare…

Freddy Adu, 2004 News

professional soccer player, became the youngest athlete to play in a major American sports league since 1887 in April, when, at age 14, he made his debut with Major League Soccer's D.C.…

Lakhdar Brahimi, 2004 News

the UN's special envoy to Iraq, selected a caretaker government to run Iraq until elections are held in January 2005. The temporary government replaced the U.S.-appointed Iraqi Governing…

Donald Rumsfeld, 2004 News

U.S. secretary of defense, was reprimanded by President Bush in May for his handling of the Abu Ghraib prison abuse scandal in Iraq. Although the Pentagon launched an investigation into the…

James Yee, 2004 News

U.S. Army chaplain at the terrorist detention center at Guantánamo Bay prison, was arrested in September 2003 on suspicion of espionage, mutiny, and sedition. The army later reduced the…

Nicholas Berg, 2004 News

U.S. businessman from Pennsylvania, was decapitated in Iraq in May. The brutal murder was broadcast on an Islamist website, which said the killing was in retaliation for the torture of Iraqi…