Quiz: Your Body Inside and Out
How long are the small intestines?
- The large intestines are 5 feet long and are three times wider than the small intestines.
How many teeth do kids have—at least until they start falling out?
- Kids have 20 teeth and adults have 32.
What type of doctor specializes in treating the ear?
- Dermatologists are skin specialists who specialize in all aspects of skin care and problems of the skin and hair. Pediatricians specialize in the health of children and the prevention and treatment of childhood diseases. Ophthalmologists specialize in the diagnosis and treatment, including surgery, of eye problems.
Approximately what percent of your body is water?
- Believe it or not, well over half of your body is made up of water.
How many joints are there in the human body?
- There are 230 joints and more than 650 muscles in the body!
Which of the following is NOT one of the five senses?
- The five senses are sight, taste, smell, hearing, and touch.
How many times does your heart beat each day?
- That's a lot of work for one muscle!
Where are your viscera located?
- The viscera include the trachea, lungs, kidneys, gallbladder, spleen, stomach, large and small intestine, and bladder.
Which of your body's systems are responsible for transporting blood throughout the body?
- Your heart pumps the blood, and your arteries and veins transport it.
What is the body's normal temperature?
- When we are healthy, our average temperature is 98.6° Fahrenheit, but even when we are healthy our temperature can go up to 99° Fahrenheit or down to 97° Fahrenheit.