Biographies: Newspaper, Magazine, and Television Journalists
Updated August 5, 2020 |
Infoplease Staff

Newspaper, Magazine, and Television Journalists
- Adams, Franklin Pierce, columnist and author
- Alden, Henry Mills, editor
- Allen, Steve, television personality, writer, composer
- Alsop, Joseph, political journalist
- Amanpour, Christiane, television news correspondent
- Anderson, Jack, newspaper columnist
- Anderson, Margaret C., author, editor, and publisher
- Atkinson, Brooks, journalist
- Bache, Benjamin Franklin, journalist
- Bairnsfather, Bruce, illustrator and author
- Ballantyne, James, editor and publisher
- Barry, Dave, columnist, author
- Beach, Moses Yale, journalist
- Beach, Sylvia, publisher
- Benjamin, Park, journalist
- Bigelow, John, editor
- Blair, Francis Preston, journalist and politician
- Bly, Nellie, journalist
- Bok, Edward William, editor
- Bowles, Samuel, newspaper editor
- Brinkley, David McClure, news broadcaster
- Brokaw, Tom, television journalist
- Broun, Heywood Campbell, newspaper columnist and critic
- Brown, Helen Gurley, magazine editor, writer
- Buchwald, Art, humorist
- Buckley, William Frank, Jr., editor, author, and lecturer
- Buruma, Ian, journalist, novelist
- Campbell, John, editor
- Carlson, Margaret, political commentator
- Carter, Hodding, journalist and news publisher
- Catledge, Turner, newspaperman
- Chancellor, John, journalist, television news anchor
- Charles, William, cartoonist
- Chung, Connie, television news reporter
- Clark, Lewis Gaylord, editor and writer
- Clift, Eleanor, journalist, political commentator
- Clooney, Nick, television personality, columnist
- Collins, Gail, newspaper columnist, writer
- Colton, Walter, editor
- Cooke, Alistair, journalist
- Couric, Katie, media personality
- Cousins, Norman, editor and author
- Croly, Jane Cunningham, journalist and feminist
- Cronkite, Walter, news broadcaster
- Curry, Ann, television news reporter
- Dana, Charles Anderson, newspaper editor
- Daniels, Jonathan Worth, newspaper editor and author
- Davis, Elmer, newspaperman
- Day, Benjamin Henry, journalist
- Decter, Midge, journalist, writer
- Dennie, Joseph, journalist
- Deutscher, Isaac, writer
- Dhue, Laurie, television newscaster
- Didion, Joan, journalist, novelist
- Dixon, Jeane, columnist, prognosticator
- Dowd, Maureen, columnist, journalist
- Downs, Hugh, television personality
- Drew, Elizabeth, journalist
- Drudge, Matt, columnist
- Duane, William, journalist
- Dunne, Dominick, journalist, novelist
- Ellsberg, Daniel, political analyst
- Evans, Rowland, columnist, author
- Farnsworth, Elizabeth, television news reporter
- Fessenden, Thomas Green, journalist and satirical poet
- Gellhorn, Martha, international correspondent
- Geyer, Georgie Anne, foreign correspondent
- Godwin, Parke, journalist
- Gonzales, Patrisia, journalist
- Goodman, Ellen, columnist
- Grady, Henry Woodfin, journalist and orator
- Graham, Sheilah, gossip columnist, writer
- Green, Duff, journalist and politician
- Grosvenor, Gilbert Hovey, editor
- Gumbel, Bryant, television journalist
- Hale, William Bayard, journalist
- Harden, Maximilian, journalist
- Harvey, George Brinton McClellan, journalist and diplomat
- Herblock, editorial cartoonist
- Hersh, Seymour, journalist
- Hinojosa, Maria, journalist
- Howe, Edgar Watson, editor and author
- Hughes, Catherine Elizabeth
, radio personality, executive - Huntley, Chet, news broadcaster
- Idar, Jovita, journalist, teacher, political activist,
- Ifill, Gwen, television news reporter
- Ivins, Molly, newspaper columnist
- Jennings, Peter, television newscaster
- Johnson, Rossiter, editor
- Kael, Pauline, film critic
- Kendall, Amos, journalist and statesman
- Kendall, George Wilkins, journalist
- Kenney, Douglas, humorist
- Kerr, Walter, theater critic
- King, Larry, television personality
- Krock, Arthur, journalist
- Kuralt, Charles, television news reporter, producer, writer
- Landers, Ann, columnist
- Lauer, Matt, broadcast journalist
- Laughlin, James, editor, publisher, poet,
- Lippmann, Walter, essayist and editor
- Lorimer, George Horace, editor
- MacGahan, Januarius Aloysius, newspaper correspondent
- Manning, Daniel, journalist and political leader
- Martin, Judith, columnist
- McClure, Alexander Kelly, journalist and political leader
- McClure, Samuel Sidney, editor and publisher
- McCormick, Robert Rutherford, journalist
- McGee, Thomas D'Arcy, journalist and statesman
- McGill, Ralph Emerson, journalist and publisher
- McGrory, Mary, political columnist
- Medary, Samuel, journalist
- Medill, Joseph, journalist
- Meenan, Daniel, news reporter
- Mitchell, Andrea, television news correspondent
- Mott, Frank Luther, author and professor of journalism
- Moyers, Bill, journalist, public official
- Murrow, Edward R., journalist, television newscaster
- Nasby, Petroleum V., journalist and satirist
- Nathan, George Jean, editor and drama critic
- Niles, Hezekiah, journalist
- Noah, Mordecai Manuel, journalist and politician
- Noonan, Peggy, columnist, political writer
- Nordhoff, Charles, journalist and author
- Northcliffe, Alfred Charles William Harmsworth, Viscount, journalist
- Novak, Robert, columnist, television personality
- Nye, Edgar Wilson, humorist and journalist
- O'Beirne, Kate, political commentator
- O'Malley, Frank Ward, newspaperman
- O'Reilly, Bill, television personality
- Page, Walter Hines, journalist and diplomat
- Palmer, Frederick, writer and war correspondent
- Parent, Ãtienne, journalist and government official
- Parsons, Louella, newspaper columnist
- Patterson, family of American journalists
- Pauley, Jane, television journalist
- Pearson, Drew, journalist and radio commentator
- Peck, George Wilbur, humorist, state governor
- Podhoretz, Norman, editor and essayist
- Porter, Sylvia, columnist, author
- Postrel, Virginia, magazine editor
- Pyle, Ernie, journalist
- Rabinowitz, Dorothy, editor, commentator
- Rather, Dan, television newscaster
- Reasoner, Harry, media journalist, author
- Reid, Whitelaw, journalist and diplomat
- Reston, James Barrett, journalist
- Ross, Harold Wallace, editor
- Royko, Mike, newspaper columnist
- Russell, Lynne, television news anchor
- Safire, William L., journalist and speechwriter
- Sawyer, Diane, television newscaster
- Schlafly, Phyllis, columnist, activist
- Schmich, Mary, columnist
- Sedgwick, Ellery, editor
- Sherr, Lynn, television news reporter
- Shriver, Maria, television newscaster, political relative
- Sinclair, Gordon, radio personality
- Siskel, Gene, movie critic
- Skinner, Nancy, radio personality
- Smith, Liz, gossip columnist
- Smith, Red, sportswriter
- Smith, Seba, humorist
- Snyder, Tom, radio and television personality
- Springer, Jerry, television personality
- Stahl, Lesley, television news reporter
- Stead, William Thomas, journalist
- Steinem, Gloria, journalist and feminist
- Stern, Howard, radio personality
- Stewart, Jon, television personality
- Stone, I. F., journalist
- Susteren, Greta Van, television personality
- Taylor, Bayard, journalist and author
- Thomas, Robert Bailey, journalist
- Thompson, Dorothy, journalist
- Thomson or Thompson, Mortimer Neal, journalist and humorist who used the pseudonym Q
- Tilton, Theodore, journalist
- Trudeau, Garry Beekman, political cartoonist
- Tynan, Kenneth Peacock, drama critic
- Vanderbilt, Amy, journalist, author
- Walters, Barbara, television reporter and anchor
- Ward, Artemus, humorist
- Warner, Margaret, television news reporter
- Watterson, Henry, journalist
- Weed, Thurlow, journalist and political leader
- Wells-Barnett, Ida B., journalist, activist
- White, Richard Grant, journalist
- White, Theodore H., political journalist
- Whitney, John Hay, public official and newspaper publisher
- Will, George, political columnist
- Wintour, Anna, magazine editor
- Woodward, Bob, journalist
- Young, John Russell, journalist
- Zahn, Paula, television news reporter, anchor
- Zenger, John Peter, journalist
See also: