Anatomy and Physiology
Anatomy and Physiology
ch01s01 bones
ch01s02 parts-bone
ch01s03 thats-long-short-it
ch01s04 more-things-change
ch01s05 now-with-self-repairing-option
ch02s01 joints
ch02s02 types-joints
ch02s03 hinges-pivots-saddles-oh-my
ch02s04 dancers-alphabet
ch02s05 dont-wait-rotate
ch03s01 structure-muscles-muscle-cells
ch03s02 all-parts-big-small
ch03s03 neuromuscular-junction
ch03s04 youve-fallen-into-my-treppe
ch03s05 sliding-home-with-sarcomeres
ch03s06 out-breath
ch04s01 muscles
ch04s02 acting-concert
ch04s03 fibers-every-which-way
ch05s01 circulatory-system
ch05s02 cells-bells
ch05s03 blood-types-genetics
ch05s04 now-know-my-wbcs
ch06s01 heart
ch06s02 anatomy-heart
ch06s03 four-chambers
ch06s04 hearts-own-blood
ch06s05 ecg-measuring-beat
ch07s02 vessels-to-fro
ch07s03 here-there-everywhere
ch07s04 going-separate-ways
ch07s05 oh-pressure
ch07s06 drainage-system
ch08s01 respitory-system
ch08s02 lungs-bronchi-trachea-nose
ch08s03 pharynx
ch08s04 more-than-just-pipe
ch08s05 gas-laws-breathing
ch08s06 volumes-volumes
ch09s01 digestive-system
ch09s02 stops-along-way
ch09s03 its-long-way-down
ch09s04 jack-of-all-trades
ch09s05 running-along-tract
ch09s06 pancreatic-panacea
ch09s07 what-we-do-with-food
ch10s01 excretory-system
ch10s02 waterworks
ch10s03 where-it-all-happens
ch10s04 reabsorption
ch10s05 when-you-gotta-go
ch11s01 hormones
ch11s02 feedback-just-for-guitars
ch11s03 how-hormones-work
ch11s04 hypothalamus-head-honcho
ch11s05 pituitary-first-lieutenant
ch11s06 thyroid
ch11s07 kidneys-just-for-urine
ch11s08 pancreas-diabetes
ch12s01 nervous-system
ch12s02 great-divide
ch12s03 support-staff
ch12s04 neurons
ch12s05 connecting-with-synapses
ch12s06 youve-got-potential
ch13s02 youve-got-some-nerve
ch13s03 gyri-sulci
ch13s04 control-center
ch13s05 sensory-motor-control
ch13s06 thalamus-switching-station
ch13s07 spinal-cord-peripheral-nerves
ch13s08 sympathetic-yikes
ch13s09 parasympathetic-aaaaaaaaaaah
ch14s01 senses
ch14s02 windows-to-soul
ch14s03 can-you-hear-me-now
ch14s04 nose-knows
ch14s05 dont-be-so-touchy

Excerpted from The Complete Idiot's Guide to Anatomy and Physiology © 2004 by Michael J. Vieira Lazaroff. All rights reserved including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form. Used by arrangement with Alpha Books, a member of Penguin Group (USA) Inc.
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