Griffith, William

Updated September 23, 2019 | Infoplease Staff

Griffith, William



Born Memphis, Mo., Feb. 15, 1876. Educated in public schools. Married Florence Vernon, of Brooklyn, in 1909. Mr. Griffith has had an active career in the newspaper profession, having been on the staff of several of the New York papers, managing editor of `Hampton's Magazine', 1906-10; editor, `McCall's Magazine', 1911-12; editorial director of the `National Sunday Magazine', a large newspaper syndicate, 1912-16; since then associate editor of `Current Opinion'. His best-known books of verse are: "City Views and Visions", 1911; "Loves and Losses of Pierrot", 1916; "City Pastorals", 1918; "The House of the Sphinx and Other Poems", 1918.

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