
In this video, Zeke learns basic geometry concepts about lines and points.
Make Bar Graphs
Make Bar Graphs
In this video, Daniel learns the steps to make his own bar graph to present data.
Make Line Plots
Make Line Plots
In this video, Alex learns how to represent sets of data on a dot plot.
Measure With Centimeters
Measure With Centimeters
In this video, Jackson uses a centimeter ruler to estimate the length of various objects.
Measure With Inches
Measure With Inches
In this video, Daniel uses inches on a ruler to estimate the length and height of various objects.
Measure With Unit Angles
Measure With Unit Angles
In this video, Zeke learns different ways of calculating angles using known angles.
Mental Math: Find Quotients
Mental Math: Find Quotients
In this video, Carlos learns to divide large multiples of tens using basic division facts.
Mental Math: Multiply Multiples of 10
Mental Math: Multiply Multiples of 10
In this video, Alex learns how to multiply large multiples of ten using smaller numbers.
Models and 3-Digit Numbers
Models and 3-Digit Numbers
In this video, Jada uses the place-value model for hundreds, tens and ones to learn about 3-digit numbers.
Models to Subtract 2-Digit Numbers
Models to Subtract 2-Digit Numbers
In this video, Marta learns various ways to subtract 2-digit numbers from 2-digit numbers, including regrouping and marking out.