Corporal Punishment in Public Schools, by State
Updated August 5, 2020 |
Infoplease Staff

The following table lists the states allowing corporal punishment in schools according to state name and the number of students hit.
States Allowing Corporal Punishment
State | Number of students hit | Percent of total students |
Alabama | 33,716 | 4.5% |
Arizona | 16 | (1) |
Arkansas | 22,314 | 4.7 |
Colorado | 8 | (1) |
Florida | 7,185 | 0.3 |
Georgia | 18,249 | 1.1 |
Idaho | 111 | 0.4 |
Indiana | 577 | 0.5 |
Kansas | 50 | .01 |
Kentucky | 2,209 | 0.3 |
Louisiana | 11,080 | 1.7 |
Mississippi | 38,131 | 7.5 |
Missouri | 5,159 | 0.6 |
New Mexico | 705 | 0.2 |
North Carolina | 2,705 | 0.2 |
Ohio | 672 | 0.04 |
Oklahoma | 14,828 | 2.3 |
South Carolina | 1,409 | 0.2 |
Tennessee | 14,868 | 1.5 |
Texas | 49,197 | 1.1 |
U.S. total | 223,190 | 0.46 |
NOTES: Figures are from 2008.
1. Less than 0.1%
Source: The Center for Effective Discipline, Columbus, Ohio.
States Not Allowing Corporal Punishment
The following table lists the states that do not allow corporal punishment in schools, according to state name and the year in which corporal punishment was banned.
State | Year banned |
Alaska | 1989 |
California | 1986 |
Connecticut | 1989 |
Delaware | 2003 |
Hawaii | 1973 |
Illinois | 1993 |
Iowa | 1989 |
Maine | 1975 |
Maryland | 1993 |
Massachusetts | 1971 |
Michigan | 1989 |
Minnesota | 1989 |
Montana | 1991 |
Nebraska | 1988 |
Nevada | 1993 |
New Hampshire | 1983 |
New Jersey | 1867 |
New York | 1985 |
North Dakota | 1989 |
Ohio | 19941 |
Oregon | 1989 |
Pennsylvania | 2005 |
Rhode Island | 1977 |
South Dakota | 1990 |
Utah | 19922 |
Vermont | 1985 |
Virginia | 1989 |
Washington | 1993 |
West Virginia | 1994 |
Wisconsin | 1988 |
1. Corporal punishment is permitted in Ohio schools if a school board follows several procedures before voting to allow it. Parents in districts which allow it may refuse to have their children paddled.
2. Corporal punishment is permitted in Utah schools if a parent or guardian gives written permission for its use.
Source: The Center for Effective Discipline, Columbus, Ohio.
Drugs and Violence on School Property | Elementary and High School Education | Corporal Punishment in Public Schools, by Year |