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Displaying 351 - 360

Sara Teasdale: In a Garden

In a GardenThe world is resting without sound or motion, Behind the apple tree the sun goes down Painting with fire the spires and the windows In the elm-shaded town.Beyond the calm…

Amy Lowell: VI

VICrystal-blue brightness over the glass-houses. Crystal-blue streaks and ripples over the lake. A macaw on a gilded perch screams; they have forgotten to take out his dinner. The windows…

Walt Whitman: Old Salt Kossabone

Old Salt KossaboneFar back, related on my mother's side, Old Salt Kossabone, I'll tell you how he died: (Had been a sailor all his life—was nearly 90—lived with his married grandchild,…

Milton DE LANO, Congress, NY (1844-1922)

DE LANO Milton , a Representative from New York; born in Wampsville, Madison County, N.Y., August 11, 1844; attended the common schools; settled in Canastota, N.Y., and engaged in mercantile…

Alfred Hitchcock

Alfred Hitchcock's successful screen thrillers earned him the nickname "Master of Suspense," but he is also considered one of the greatest film directors in the history of cinema. He started out in…

Radiohead Amnesiac

Amnesiac Capitol As impenetrable as the band may sometimes sound, Radiohead is also apparently incapable of recording a boring album. Eight months after the release of the ambient wonder wave…

Harvey Milk

Harvey Milk was elected to San Francisco's Board of Supervisors in 1977 and became the first openly homosexual elected official in California. Less than a year after taking office Milk was murdered…

Review: Head Over Heels (2001)

Director: Mark Waters Writers: Ron Burch and David Kidd Universal Pictures; PG-13; 87 minutes Release: 2/01 Cast: Monica Potter, Freddie Prinze Jr., China Chow Suspense…