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Carpenter, Mary

(Encyclopedia) Carpenter, Mary, 1807–77, English educator. She devoted her life to the establishment of schools and institutions and the promotion of educational reforms. In 1835 she organized the…

Carson, Rachel Louise

(Encyclopedia) Carson, Rachel Louise, 1907–64, American writer and marine biologist, b. Springdale, Pa., M.A. Johns Hopkins, 1932. Her well-known books on sea life—Under the Sea-Wind (1941), The Sea…

intelligent design

(Encyclopedia) intelligent design, theory that some complex biological structures and other aspects of nature show evidence of having been designed by an intelligence. Such biological structures are…


(Encyclopedia) LollardryLollardrylŏlˈy&oobreve;rdrē [key] or Lollardy, medieval English movement for ecclesiastical reform, led by John Wyclif, whose “poor priests” spread his ideas about the…

Deloria, Vine Victor Jr.

(Encyclopedia) Deloria, Vine, Jr., 1933–2005, American author, theologian, historian, and activist, b. Marin, S.Dak. Considered by some to be the…

Brewer's: Temora

One of the principal poems of Ossian, in eight books, so called from the royal residence of the kings of Connaught. Cairbar had usurped the throne, having killed Cormac, a distant relative…

Brewer's: Guyon

(Sir). The impersonation of Temperance or Self-government. He destroyed the witch Acrasia, and her bower, called the “Bower of Bliss.” His companion was Prudence. (Spenser: Faërie Queene,…

Brewer's: Jib

A triangular sail borne in front of the foremast. It has the bowsprit for a base in small vessels, and the jib-boom in larger ones, and exerts an important effect, when the wind is abeam,…

Brewer's: Cross-patch

A disagreeable, ill-tempered person, male or female. Patch means a fool or gossip; so called from his parti-coloured or patched dress. A cross-patch is an ill-tempered fool or gossip.…