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inheritance tax

(Encyclopedia) inheritance tax, assessment made on the portion of an estate received by an individual; it differs from an estate tax, which is a tax levied on an entire estate before it is…

land tax

(Encyclopedia) land tax, impost levied upon real property. It is sometimes called a real estate tax, especially when assessed against both improved and unimproved land. Probably the earliest direct…


(Encyclopedia) taxation, system used by governments to obtain money from people and organizations. The revenue collected is used by the government to support itself and to provide public services.…


(Encyclopedia) lien, claim or charge held by one party, on property owned by a second party, as security for payment of some debt, obligation, or duty owed by that second party. A lien may arise by…

stamp tax

(Encyclopedia) stamp tax, method of collecting duties on certain transactions by means of a validating stamp attached to the taxable instrument, which may be a judicial act, a commercial document, a…

History of the Income Tax in the United States

Source: Tax Foundation. The nation had few taxes in its early history. From 1791 to 1802, the United States government was supported by internal taxes on distilled spirits, carriages, refined…

Itemized Deductions

Taxpayers may itemize deductions or take the standard deduction. The standard deduction amounts for 2014 are as follows: $6,200 for single persons, $9,100 for…

Brewer's: Direct Tax

is one collected directly from the owner of property subject to the tax, as when the tax-gatherer goes direct to the owner of a house and demands five, ten, or twenty pounds, as it may be…

Tax Refund 2001

The check may be in the mail by Erin Teare Quick Poll How will you use your tax refund? Donate it to charity Put it in savings Take a vacation Pay off debt I did not file my tax return for…

income tax

(Encyclopedia) income tax, assessment levied upon individual or corporate incomes. Although personal incomes were occasionally taxed in medieval Italian cities, the income tax is essentially a modern…