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Geometry: Putting Quadrilaterals in the Forefront

Putting Quadrilaterals in the ForefrontGeometryPutting Quadrilaterals in the ForefrontProperties of All QuadrilateralsProperties of TrapezoidsLet's All Fly a Kite!Properties of ParallelogramsThe Most…

New Jersey v. T.L.O. (1985)

Historical BackgroundThe Supreme Court has a long history of upholding citizens' protections against unreasonable searches and seizures-a right guaranteed by the 4th Amendment. In Weeks v.…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: July 4, 1805

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark July 3, 1805July 5, 1805July 4, 1805 Thursday July 4th 1805. Yesterday we permitted Sergt. Gass McNeal and several others who had not yet seen…

Footnotes - The Odyssey

Footnotes Black races are evidently known to the writer as stretching all across Africa, one half looking West on to the Atlantic, and the other East on to the Indian Ocean. The original…

Federal Farmer V

Federal Farmer V13 October 1787by The Federal FarmerDear Sir,Thus I have examined the federal constitution as far as a few days leisure would permit. It opens to my mind a new scene; instead…

Movies and Film: The Directors

The DirectorsMovies and FilmFilm DirectingHow to Recognize a Great DirectorTheories of DirectingThe DirectorsSome Films on Directing Now to the directors themselves. We've tried to be inclusive by…