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Louisiade Archipelago

(Encyclopedia) Louisiade ArchipelagoLouisiade Archipelagol&oomacr;ēˌzēădˈ, –ädˈ [key], SW Pacific, part of Papua New Guinea. The archipelago comprises c.10 volcanic islands and numerous coral…

Dablon, Claude

(Encyclopedia) Dablon, ClaudeDablon, Claudeklōd däblôNˈ [key], 1619?–1697, French Jesuit missionary in North America. He went from France to Canada in 1655 and worked first among the Onondaga Indians…

Shimonoseki, Treaty of

(Encyclopedia) Shimonoseki, Treaty of, Apr. 17, 1895, ending the First Sino-Japanese War. It was negotiated and signed by Ito Hirobumi for Japan and Li Hung-chang for China. Harsh terms were imposed…

Pucelle, Jean

(Encyclopedia) Pucelle, JeanPucelle, JeanzhäN püsĕlˈ [key], c.1300–1355, French manuscript illuminator. Master of a celebrated workshop in Paris during the 1320s, Pucelle produced a masterpiece of…

Gourmont, Remy de

(Encyclopedia) Gourmont, Remy deGourmont, Remy derəmēˈ də g&oomacr;rmôNˈ [key], 1858–1915, French critic and novelist, leading critical apologist for the symbolists. Although his views were…


(Encyclopedia) Mi'kmaq or Micmac, Native North Americans whose language belongs to the Algonquian branch of the Algonquian-Wakashan linguistic stock (see Native American languages). They inhabit Nova…


(Encyclopedia) jade, common name for either of two minerals used as gems. The rarer variety of jade is jadeite, a sodium aluminum silicate, NaAl(SiO3)2, usually white or green in color; the green…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 TunisiaTunisiat&oomacr;nēˈzhə, ty&oomacr;– [key], Fr. Tunisie, officially Republic of Tunisia, republic (2015 est. pop. 11,274,000), 63,378 sq mi (164,150 sq km), NW…

West Florida Controversy

(Encyclopedia) West Florida Controversy, conflict between Spain and the United States concerning possession of Florida. By the Treaty of Paris of 1763, Britain received Florida from Spain, and from…

national assembly

(Encyclopedia) national assembly, name of a number of past and present constituent or legislative bodies. In France, under the constitutions of the Fourth and Fifth republics, the lower house of…