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Displaying 191 - 200

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: July 30, 1805

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark July 29, 1805July 31, 1805July 30, 1805 Tuesday July 30th 1805. Capt. Clark being much better this morning and having completed my observations…

Sara Teasedale: The Mother of a Poet

The Mother of a PoetShe is too kind, I think, for mortal things, Too gentle for the gusty ways of earth; God gave to her a shy and silver mirth, And made her soul as clear And softly singing…

Anna Hempstead Branch: Songs for my Mother

Songs for my MotherAnna Hempstead BranchHer HandsMy mother's hands are cool and fair, They can do anything. Delicate mercies hide them there Like flowers in the spring.When I was small and…

Chauncey Judd

by Israel P. Warren Published in 1874 Reprinted from the original by The Perry Press Naugatuck, Conn. 1906 Contents Preface Special Notice Returning From Mill The Tories…

Brewer's: Forget-me-nots of the Angels

The stars are so called by Longfellow. The similitude between a little lightblue flower and the yellow stars is very remote. Stars are more like buttercups than forget-me-nots. Silently,…

Brewer's: Ladies' Smocks

Garden cress, botanically called Cardamine, a diminutive of the Greek kardamon, called in Latin nasturtium, sometimes called Nose-smart (Kara-damon, head-afflicting); so nasturtium is…

Brewer's: Fairy Rings

Circles of rank or withered grass, often seen in lawns, meadows, and grass-plots. Said to be produced by the fairies dancing on the spot. In sober truth, these rings are simply an agaric…

Brewer's: Premonstratensian

or Norbertine Order. Founded in the twelfth century by St. Norbert, who obtained permission, in 1120, to found a cloister in the diocese of Laon, in France. A spot was pointed out to him…

Brewer's: Year

Annus magnus. The Chaldaic astronomers observed that the fixed stars shift their places at about the rate of a degree in seventy-two years, according to which calculation they will perform…